Pivnica Čajkov - víno Čajkov

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Víno spod vulkánu Sitno


  • Botrytic Maceration |
  • Variety: Pesecká Leánka + Fieldblend |
  • Last Released Vintage: 2018

This wine is a typical child of serendipity, on many levels. First, its vineyard is a field blend of Pesecká, Welschriesling, and Riesling in unknown proportions, plus some Pinot Gris here and there. Second, we somehow forgot to harvest it in time, but the vintage saved us by perfect late-fall conditions that allowed for the development of genuinely royal botrytis. So I accepted these gifts of nature, hand-picked the most rotten grapes and turned them into this UFO of a wine – sweet yet not overpowering, succulent, layered, truly invigorating.

For me, this is the perfect bottle to reach for after a tough day, when you feel the need to relax, restore and release. Not quite ready to open a full bottle of wine, not in the mood for a shot, but you're still feeling like having a sip of special little something would do wonders to take the edge off. Something flavoursome but not heavy, something to lift your spirits and relieve your body and mind. A breather, a treat, a reward; soulmate, redemption, closure. Quite a lot of goodness in a 0.5l bottle, isn't it?! But it's all there, in each of the 180 tiny elixir bottles made.

Vineyards, Winemaking & Co:

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